It's fun to put some of my logos besides each other and see the difference with which they present themselves.
When the ministry of Health was merged with the Ministry of the Interior, they put out a wee competition. Normally I do not talk down on others....but my God the other entry's were terrible....luckily mine won though it looks a bit to much like some of the other Ministries's logos. We only had 5 days!!

In Los Angeles, buying books go together with cofee drinking. Enter a bookstore and you will see people hanging out for hours, entertaining themselves and enjoying a cup of cofee. Nice tradition. So this shop put the two together.

I don't know why I showed the client has it's problems with too many grey tones to actually work truely as a logo. But they loved it....and it is rather artistic so it goes well with modern dance, bodys in motion

Copenhagen Sound Studio...funny name

I gotta put this in again. I love it. It's a very well functioning logo.

This was a Swedish company, that now are worldwide. They handle PC virus'es....oh it's so ugly, but the CEO are happy and that's what's important

Must admit I have made stuff I will never ever show's just to darn ugly, but the client involved were extatic about it...and that's really my task. Or is it? Sometimes it's difficult to balance out, cause we designers are the proffesionals who knows what works and how to get the wanted effect. The client does not. They are good at what THEY do. If you put your foot down and take responsability you may lose the client - if you do not you may lose the wanted effect.....!! It's an interesting world we live in ;-)