I was asked to redesign the products from a book club, of a Sweedish publishinghouse. The following are a few segments.

This ia a total redesign, a new designline. I was very partiqular about getting a feel of this NOT being yet a boring Municipal print. The choice of using flowers was about symbolising growing into blooming / evolving. The client was a department (CUE) whose work is helping unemployed people back in jobs via workshops. To escape the dreary municipal-feel, colour is of the essence. I chose a group of colours out of the total of colours from the Municipals designmanual, that now identifies CUE. Mission acomplished.

This is a new company trying to find it's feet. But just the mere fact that they have chosen a design from the start, makes the stand out -compared to the competition in that industry

This is a proposal on website, paperline and Logo

An ongoing process....

One delightful sunny afternoon I went to help the shop Yoyo getting started, design wise. So I photografed all the beautiful tableau's, and at night I composed these 11 pages. They are uploaded very simple, as 1 photo a page.

While living in LA I created this logo for a group of people who was planning to buy good horses in Denmark and selling them in California....for great many dollars

I was quite surprised that this client chose this complicated logo....but loved the job

It is very difficult to create uglylooking designs when photos of dancing bodys are involved!!

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